The first month here in Korea has past by awfully fast and it’s like I already have to think of the end. There are still some months left, but still the time is flying by. I like to be here. I like the spare time that I have to do the thinks I like to do, this also means that I’m not missing all the administrative work which had to be done in Copenhagen. I spend my time doing 5 things:
Go to lectures and do homework
Work on my own projects (mostly related to my studies and the homework)
Go climbing
The homework right now turns out in a totally different way then expected. For the course in Advanced Information Security we were asked to verify that something occurs with a certain probability, but while trying to verify this, it turns out that all papers on the topic seem to have missed a certain fact which changes the probability at least slightly. If it changes it in a higher degree than currently assumed this might give some further cracks to the DES encryption.
Settling here also means that I start to feel at home and the fact that I enjoy my stripped down days, with not much more to worry about than my own things, just makes me want to stay here for longer.
In Denmark I have been asked a lot in which country I feel more at home (that’s very important!) and I in parts faked an answer by saying Denmark or at least Copenhagen. I also feel more familiar in Denmark than in Germany, still reading the news every day, but the stay in Korea tells me, that the feeling of being in Copenhagen, being here or be anywhere else does not differ. I may know more places one or another place, and that’s actually my measure for how much I feel at home, but life doesn’t really change or differ much. As soon as you know where you can get your stuff for survival (food, clothes, entertainment, hair saloon,…) all places are just as much or just as little home than the other places for me. This may have something to do with the internet and my overall little interest in people. Every Sunday I skype with my parents and the connection is even better from here than it is from Copenhagen and I can still write emails with the same people and nothing indicates that I’m somewhere else on the globe.
So what I’m wondering is: How does it feel to be “at home”?
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